Friday, February 17, 2012

Week 6 (Starting to change)

Time to implement the change!

My idea of a project is to provide more listening practice outside and inside classroom. So far, I have thought of youtube videos and a google site. 

 Well, I started this week by  asking  my students to bring me a DVD in which I will burn a movie called "If only". They will watch the movie at home since we do not have a TV or DVD player at the language lab. Then, after carnival holidays, they will discuss in class details about the story.

After they have watched the movies like twice or three times at home. I will upload to youtube some shots from the movie, in order to embed them later as html code in the google site I have created to develop my project. This will be dedicated to listening activities for my English I class. Of course, the site is still in progress.

Still thinking about more new ideas but that´s what I done so far :)



  1. Hello Yohimar

    Great idea they will be enjoying much since you have thought of using some listening activities along with youtube videos but I have thought of using webquest for my project.


  2. Hi Yohimar,

    How are you feeling with these weeks, do you have a partner for you peer readings? could you work with me?

    A hug in this mardi grass.

